商品参数 品牌 品正阀门 名称 螺旋闸门(插板阀) 货号 102 口径 200*200~1000*1000 压力 **** 温度 **** 材质 球墨铸铁,碳钢,不锈钢 产地 浙江温州瓯北 商品介绍 螺旋闸门(插板阀) 单向-I外形图: Appearance figure: 单向-II外形图: Appearance figure: 双向-I外形图: Appearance figure: 双向-II外形图: Appearance figure: 螺旋闸门概述 SCREW GATE VALVE 螺旋闸门用于建材、冶金、矿山、电力、化工、玻璃、轻工、粮食等行业的库**、库底及进出口等。是控制流量变化较大,启动频繁,切断迅速的理想设备。 This valve is widely used at the top and bottom of store house and carry port in metallurgical, mining, building material, food, chemical industries etc. It is the ideal equipment to control a great changing flow, to open and close frequently and to stop quickly. 螺旋闸门结构特点 Structure characteristic: 结构简单、操作灵活、重量轻、无卡阻、切断快,特别适用于各类无粘度的固体、粉料及小于 Φ 10mm 的颗粒料,晶粒料的输送及流量调节,安装不受角度限制, 操作方便, 能随时调节开度。该阀门有手轮和链轮操纵两种操作形式, I 型为手轮, II 为链轮。单向和双向两种结构形式, LZD 为单向、 LZS 为双向。 This valve is simple in structure, handy to operate, light in weight, non-obstructive and quick to stop. It is suitable to be used to carry all kinds of solid material, particle and crystal particle whose diameter is below 10mm and to adjust the flow. It can be installed at any angle and operated handily. The size of its gate can be regulated at any time. This valve has two type of operation. One is manual wheel operation; the other is chain wheel operation. Ⅰ means manual wheel. Ⅱ means chain wheel. The valve has two type of construction LZD is ** direction and LZS is double direction. 螺旋闸门工作原理 Working principle 主要由框架、闸板、丝杆、螺母等零件构成,用手转动手轮使丝杆带着丝杆螺母和闸板沿水平方向往复运动,达到闸门的启闭目的。 It is mainly made up of frame, gate board, screw pole, nut etc. Rotate the handwheel by hand, then the screw pole drives the nut and gate board move in horizontal to and fro to open or close the valve. 螺旋闸门主要零件材料及连接尺寸 类别 A×A B×B C×C H L n-d 重量 单向 200×200 256×256 296×296 820 100 8-Φ12 62 250×250 306×306 346×346 930 100 8-Φ14 70.5 300×300 356×356 396×396 1050 100 8-Φ14 81 400×400 456×456 496×496 140 100 12-Φ14 114 450×450 510×510 556×556 1450 120 12-Φ18 130 500×500 560×560 606×606 1610 120 16-Φ18 147 双向 600×600 660×660 706×706 1830 120 16-Φ18 169 700×700 770×770 820×820 2130 140 20-Φ18 236 800×800 870×870 920×920 2440 140 20-Φ18 303 900×900 974×974 1030×1030 2660 160 27-Φ23 424 1000×1000 10741074 1130×1130 2870 160 24-Φ23 636 说明 LMD-单向 I-手轮 距地面小于1.7米用手轮,大于1.7米用链轮 链条节数M=0.105X-113(X是丝杆中心离地面度度)